This is London

At last, a chance to bring Memories of Eden more to the front, courtesy of the BBC.

The fate of the Jews who left their homes in Arab countries following the birth of Israel is not nearly as well known as it ought to be. The world hears of the plight of the Palestinians but what of the stories of the hundreds of thousands of Mizrahi Jews, such as those who had to leave Iraq, who were forced out?

Mira has been asked to participate in a BBC radio discussion on the subject and went to a radio studio in Monaco today to pre-record a couple of readings from the book: one concerning the harmonious state of affairs that prevailed between the various religious communities in olden days; the other, a vivid extract about the 1941 pogrom, the Farhud.

BBC World Service radio will be broadcasting the programme in Newshour, which goes out at 12.05 GMT tomorrow, 21 June. If you miss it you can tune in here and listen at a more suitable time.

In addition the BBC has started a blog on which people can leave comments: Have your say.

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